Nomad Spotlight: Meredith Kane

Every 2 weeks, we'll be featuring a different female digital nomad and interviewing them to find out more about what they do for work, where they love to travel and what advice they have for other female travelers.

Without further ado, here's our first Nomad Spotlight on content extraordinaire, Meredith Kane.

Career + Clients

What do you do for work?

I’m a freelance copywriter and content creator! I craft blog posts, and product descriptions, and brand development pieces for a variety of brands and individuals. In general, I’m sent a brief that outlines what the client is looking for, and then I fill in the blanks — so to speak. :)

Describe the kind of clients you work with

Right now, I’m working with clients across the country, from those specializing in inventory management and video conferencing software, to others whose focus is on things like rental furniture and apartment hunting. I really enjoy the range of my work, because I continually have the opportunity to dig into unfamiliar territory and learn something new.

What's your day-to-day schedule like?

My day-to-day schedule is kind of all over the place, honestly. But I like to have a slow start to my day, featuring coffee or tea, morning pages, and a bit of yin yoga to help me ease into things. I don’t keep regular office hours, so I often work for a few hours through the afternoon, then take a break to run an errand, or go for a walk, or watch a show, before I inevitably pick back up and work another hour or two in the evening. I try not to work on weekends, but if I’ve fallen behind during the week, I’ve been known to make up for lost time on Sunday afternoons.

Where do you love to work?

Depends on my mood! I typically decide that morning where I’ll feel most productive or excited to settle in. I love checking out coffee shop culture in different countries, but coworking spaces usually offer amenities and extras that are fun to indulge in, too.

Where are you currently located?

<I’m currently in Des Moines, Iowa, very near where I grew up. I’d planned to travel for the first half of 2020, but with the onset of the pandemic, things went in a direction I hadn’t anticipated. With that said, being here has surprised me in all the best ways, and I’m finding so much to be grateful for (while still dreaming of countless destinations I can’t wait to visit!).

Now, onto the nomad stuff

What did you do before you started the nomad journey?

Before I was location-independent, I was living in Nashville, Tennessee and working for an incredible local company who specializes in selling Georgia peaches. I loved my work and my city, but by mid-2019, I knew it was time to shake things up a bit. I decided to pursue freelance writing full-time, which had only been a side gig for a few years prior. But since I’ve taken the leap and entered into the world of remote work, I truly haven’t looked back!

What are the tools you use as a nomad?

I work primarily in Google Docs, which is a great space for drafting, editing, commenting, etc. I also use platforms like Trello and Asana with a few of my clients, which are awesome resources for organizing (and prioritizing) different deadlines and assignments. I’d say I use at least two of those three programs every day, and have undoubtedly come to rely on those management solutions when I’m juggling a number of tasks or to-do lists.

What is the best part about being a nomad?

The flexibility that comes along with being location-independent is my favorite thing; the ability to take a day off to relax or refresh has been so valuable in the midst of all the challenges of this past year. Plus, I love the autonomy of being able to work whichever hours I prefer, as well as being free to roam/less ‘tied down’ to a single city or space.

A little more about you...

What is your guilty pleasure?

Expensive coffee, lounge sets, any type of spa treatment, 90s rom-coms, and Christmas music outside of December.

What's your go-to travel gear?

Before heading out on a solo, six-week venture, I was gifted with the sweetest Away suitcase — it’s a carry-on size, which was exactly what I needed for that trip. That’s become my go-to bag for sure, but for longer stays I’ll also bring along a backpack or small travel duffel bag.

What's always in your backpack?

Hand sanitizer, water bottle, tissues, headphones, ibuprofen, power bank, Instax, extra socks...

Where have you traveled over the past 2 years?

Barcelona, Spain; Rome, Florence, and Milan, Italy; Prague, Czech Republic; Vienna, Austria; Geneva, Switzerland; Nice and Lyon, France; Medellín, Colombia; Mexico City, Mexico 

What's your favorite city to work in?

Copenhagen, hands down. Beautiful castles and gardens, kind and welcoming people, incredibly walkable (or bikeable), and allllll the hygge vibes of your dreams!

Finally onto some advice

What advice do you have for other nomads?

My best advice is to travel with open palms and a ‘come what may’ attitude. In other words, releasing your expectations and letting life surprise and delight you. In my time spent traveling, I’ve encountered my fair share of delayed flights, doctor’s visits, broken luggage, and loneliness. But whenever I let go and look for the good in a given situation, I always find more depth and beauty than I ever could’ve hoped for.

How to get in touch with Meredith

If you want to get in touch with Meredith, you can find her on her website and Instagram using the links below:


Instagram: @meredithmkane

Want to be featured on Nomad Spotlight? Send us a message here!


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Nomad Spotlight: Rachel Fritz