8 Best All-Natural Deodorants for Women

Maybe you’ve been hearing about all-natural deodorants for a while now, but you’re still not convinced to make the switch for yourself. Well, we’re here to remind you that not only do natural products work just as well as (if not better than) chemical-laden versions, they’re also super cost-effective and aesthetically-pleasing, too. Read on to discover our top picks for all-natural deodorants for women, and get ready to make your first purchase in no time at all. 

What to look for in an all-natural deodorant

Healthy ingredients

Since natural deodorants are aluminum-free, many use baking soda as an active ingredient because it does a great job of absorbing both sweat and odor. But if your skin is sensitive or may become irritated by baking soda, you can look for products that contain back up odor fighters like magnesium, tapioca starch, or arrowroot powder. Additionally, you might like a deodorant that has the moisturizing and skin-soothing benefits coconut oil can provide. 

A fresh scent you love

If fragrance doesn’t really agree with your skin, you still have plenty of fragrance-free, all-natural deodorants to choose from. If you’re a fan of fragrance, however, the sky’s the limit when it comes to scented deodorant. You can pick from warm notes (like vanilla and patchouli), cooling scents (like cucumber and mint), or even floral aromas (like lavender and rose). Just make sure to find a smell you vibe with, considering you’ll probably use your deodorant everyday.

Sustainability efforts

It’s no secret we’re huge advocates of ethical production and sustainable practices across every industry — body care included. That’s why our third recommendation for choosing a natural deodorant is to investigate the company’s efforts in sustainability. Our favorite deodorants (listed below) almost all have an eco-friendly approach: recycled or plastic-free packaging, refillable containers, small batch production, or closed-loop manufacturing to cut down on waste.

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8 best all-natural deodorants

1. Best single-ingredient all-natural deodorant: CRYSTAL

CRYSTAL’s unscented deodorant is a great choice for all the minimalists out there because this product contains just *one* ingredient: mineral salts. Yes, you read that right — this deodorant is as safe and natural as they come since it’s manufactured using only mineral salts (that have originated from mineral crystals). And unlike other deodorants that tend to cause residue, this aluminum-free stick won’t leave any white marks or stains on your skin and clothing.

Price range: starting at $6

2. Best affordable all-natural deodorant: Arm & Hammer

Arm & Hammer has created a gentle, all-natural deodorant that’ll cost you less than what you’d pay for a morning latte — so there was no doubt we’d name it the best affordable option. This deodorant is made using A & H baking soda (which acts as a deodorizer), plus a variety of natural plant extracts like rosemary and lavender. With excellent absorption, 24-hour odor protection, and a price that can’t be beat, you’ve really got nothing to lose by trying this one out. 

Price range: starting at $3

3. Best cooling all-natural deodorant: Ursa Major

Ursa Major’s award-winning, natural deodorant ‘eliminates underarm odor while absorbing excess moisture and soothing sensitive skin.’ This pick is formulated with a whopping 25 naturally-derived ingredients, like odor-fighting hops, moisture-absorbing kaolin clay, and peppermint essential oil to give it a tingly, cooling sensation. The invigorating scent and long-lasting protection of this deodorant make it a great option for use all day, every day.

Price range: starting at $16

4. Best coconut oil all-natural deodorant: Kopari

This deodorant from Kopari is made with a unique blend of coconut water, coconut oil, and sage oil to soothe and moisturize even the most sensitive underarms; in other words, it’s like skincare for your armpits. And not only is the coconut oil naturally antibacterial and antimicrobial, but the sage oil also offers odor protection that’s on par with the best antiperspirants. Keep in mind, though, the oil in this formula can get runny if it overheats — so be sure to store this product in a cool, dry spot. 

Price range: starting at $14

5. Best water-based all-natural deodorant: Corpus

This water-based deodorant from Corpus contains naturally derived enzymes and plant extracts to eliminate body odor once and for all. On top of their effective, baking soda-free formulations, Corpus has also created elevated scent profiles that give you a sense of luxury (but without the use of synthetic fragrance or harmful chemicals). And as an added bonus, this product comes in a 100% recycled tube that’s manufactured using renewable hydroelectric and solar energy.

Price range: starting at $26

6. Best drugstore all-natural deodorant: Native

Although we’ve given you a link to purchase Native’s deodorant online, you can actually find this product at a drugstore or pharmacy near you (think Target, Walgreens, and more). Before landing on their final formulation, Native tested thousands of different ingredients to come up with their ideal recipe — one that feels light on your skin, but provides maximum protection against odor. It’s safe to say this is a reliable deodorant that’ll have you smelling fresh all day.

Price range: starting at $12

7. Best customizable all-natural deodorant: Nala

We were super excited when we learned about Nala’s customizable deodorant that lets you choose your scent *and* level of odor protection. More specifically, you get to decide whether you’d like a formula that’s regular strength, extra strength, or made for sensitive skin — as well as which fragrance you’d prefer between the unscented, eucalyptus, citrus, or woodsy options. If you feel like a deodorant shouldn’t be one-size-fits-all, Nala might be just the brand for you. 

Price range: starting at $35

8. Best brightening all-natural deodorant: Forgotten Skincare

For those in need of a solution to underarm darkening or hyperpigmentation, Forgotten Skincare has created a deodorant to tackle that very issue. Their one-of-a-kind, brightening deodorant cream is meant to target all your ‘pit problems’ all at once. In fact, reviewers say this product helps reduce underarm pigmentation, even out skin tone, smooth razor burn, prevent ingrowns, and get rid of body odor at the same time. Pretty impressive results, if you ask us!

Price range: starting at $32

Common FAQs about all-natural deodorant

Why is aluminum in deodorant bad for you?

The answer to whether aluminum in deodorant is bad for you is a bit complicated, seeing as true deodorants don’t contain aluminum — antiperspirants do. With that said, there’s not much clarity around the health and safety of aluminum; certain theories have linked aluminum to breast cancer and Alzheimer’s disease, but we’re still in need of more research on the subject. 

How long does it take to adjust to all-natural deodorant?

As you’re making the switch to an all-natural deodorant, be aware that your body will have to go through a detox phase to flush out all those toxic ingredients from antiperspirants, etc. This detox may take anywhere from two to four weeks (i.e. 30 days), depending on your body chemistry. After this transition period is over, however, your natural deo will be blocking odors right and left.

Do all-natural deodorants actually work?

Yes, all-natural deodorants work in that they eliminate odors but not sweat — which is a good thing, since sweat helps to filter out toxins and regulate our body temperature. Once your underarms have fully detoxed from traditional antiperspirants, your natural deodorant can get to work slaying bacteria and preventing unwelcome smells from forming.


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